Can you catch your brain trying to talk you out of something?

21-day challenge  In the conversations between {Me ,Myself and I} the mental consciousness to monitor the conversations between {Me, Myself and I} 

To the Point: it looks to the Brain, that it’s going to be too much work, and then uses sound reasoning for the final mental conclusion that will or will not be manifested in the body.

Did that “ sound  Reasoning “ come from subconscious limitations, that were put in place during the formative years? which now has grown in the very large and “thick” subconscious limintations neural pathway( neural)that it is today: in your belief system.

.. all I’m saying is for you to have .. a hey wait a minute.. reality check that says..where did the story come from I just told myself

If you do not give the human brain a reason to continue on “with that line of thought” within 5 seconds.

Scientific fact; if you don’t make a decision within 5 seconds the brain will try to talk you out of it using the path of least resistance, and will revert the energy, its energy back to taking care of the physical body.

To the Point: “I ain’t got time for that unless I need to make time for that.

True or False 

This is the type of information /variables, that would have benefited the younger version of me, as I was formulating the mental equations  that I manifested into my actions.

   It takes 21 days to create a habit. The SpiritManSpeaks 21-day challenge is designed to do Just,

by checking in on your subconscious behaviors, that are subconsciously manifested in your actions for the World to see. 

Next 21 days ,check the story you are telling yourself , check where did it come from , which side of the tracks did it come (the formative years taught ) or the renewed mind of rightnous  ,or even a combination of both as you are on your path to understanding your spiritual energy.

True or False 

That would be a Good discipline/habit to have. We don’t cause confusion we just point out where confusion is at

Now the question becomes “The Why” as in, “Why” should I read on, are these words labels, and phrases stimulating my mind for a positive increase of something I desire. are these words labels, and phrases stimulating my mind to help me prevent a decrease of something I already have.

Then the subconscious answer will be yes, but the manifestation still has to come through your free will of choice of intentional thinking to the visual image of what it would look and feel like to be able to manifest your positive thoughts into your positive actions.

I will read on because my God-given free will says there is something very positive that I feel will add value to my life and those around me.

Next 21 days, check the story you are telling yourself, check where did it come from, which side of the tracks did it come (the formative years taught ) or the renewed mind of righteousness, or even a combination of both as you are on your path to understanding your spiritual energy.